On iOS, Telegram brings the ability to adjust the font size throughout the app, faster switching of accounts, and it now also supports external browsers for opening links. The update also packs sleek new animations and lets you now select a portion of the message text to copy or share, instead of only the full text.

Telegram for Android gets additional new features like quick access to the night mode switch, and Maps also get Night Mode support. Telegram will also now remember your last position when resuming playback of audio files longer than 20 minutes. Tapping the bottom bar will switch to list view in case the user wants to see all the results on one page. There's also a new Search function that allows you to easily jump between messages containing the desired keyword. Location sharing has been updated, and users can now tap a place directly on the map to select it, rather than scrolling through a list of all options. With this update, Telegram is looking to make finding venues easier. Of course, this option is only available if you are allowed to see your recipient's online status. This new option has been added to Scheduled Messages, and is another interesting addition to the instant messaging app. The big feature that comes with this update is the ‘Send When Online' feature that delivers messages to a recipient when they come online. The Telegram v5.13 update brings a new Theme Editor 3.0 in settings that lets you tweak style of elements in Telegram chats with new gradients, and the update also includes a host of new background patterns and new predefined colour schemes. Users should be able to see the latest update on App Store and Google Play Store, and we recommend downloading it, as it also brings a host of bug fixes and performance improvements. Additionally, Telegram users will get the ability to choose venues more easily when sharing your location. It also adds a new option in the schedule messages feature that will send the message when the recipient comes online. The update brings an advanced theme editor that includes the ability to create themes with colour gradients and patterns. Telegram has issued a new version 5.13 update to Android and iOS users of its chat app.